The Mary Clifford Stetson Prize

Awarded for excellence in an English essay written by a senior. This award is presented at the Senior Awards ceremony in the Spring quarter of each year.

2024 Winner: Elliot Mrak

Previous Prize Winners

2023Angel Ledesma
2022Jessica Chaidez
2021 Lukia Artemakis and Kit Charlton
2020Mio Taylor
2019Kayla Park
2018David Vanderkloot
2017Danielle Marie Gin
2016Joshua P. Foley and Andrew Julian Horton
2015Jasmine Noel An and Gordon Backer
2014Collin Lauderdale and Samantha Voss
2013Brittany M. Worthington
2012Kathleen C. Golembiewski
2011Chelsea E. Baumgarten and Angelica M. Lopez
2010Rachel A. Jeffrey
2009Eric Michaelsen
2008Emma Perry
2007Elizabeth Gillstrom
2006Erin Agee and Ryan Rhadigan
2005Will Miller
2004Emily Boehm, Paul Lewakowski, and Joseph Tracz
2003Lauren Davis and Alexander Dodge
2002Carrie Hintz and Kate Merz
2001Dawne Bell and Kate Hannah
2000John Cunningham
1999Allison McGough and Amy Schaus
1998Jennifer Day and Erik Olson
1997Nichole Miller and Bethany Shepherd
1996Jessica Walsh
1995Helen Han and Rebecca Yospyn
1994Bethany Pagel and Matthew Sikora
1993Theresa Braunschneider and Henny Mueller
1992Amelia V. Katanski
1991Jennifer L. Romney
1990Mary Katherine Gerdes and Rebecca A. Young
1989Katherine Frances Almy and Marie Christine Ellavich
1988No Award Given
1987Jeffrey Kuipers
1986Sandra Pyeatt
1985Mary Mancewicz
1984Elaine Klein